Graphic of curve for aesthetics

Information Technology


Some of the world's largest financial institutions trust Rosetta to design,
build and securely run their data pipelines.

Data Encryption

Your data is cryptographically encrypted whilst in-flight and at-rest using TLS. Client Key Management is available for added security along with peered VPN setup based on trust-less architecture.

Data Separation

Keep your data separated on multiple levels. Benefit from stronger data barriers by using dedicated servers and hardware for data processing and storage.

Business Continuity

Systems run live-live to keep your business moving while localised deployments keeps things snappy.

Rest Assured

Our architecture is built for high-availability, high-resilience and is fully secure.

Graphic showing VPN connecting the client's network and the Rosetta network.

Want to know more about our range of deployment options and security practices?

Ready to roll?

Take Rosetta for a spin. It's on us.

Sign-up today and get started on your model development in seconds.
Our free version comes with no time limit and no credit card required.
And Rosetta can then grow with your enterprise use.